I enjoy sharing my experience & passion for sharks
Marine Science Consult
List of scientific literature & a one page summary of the key points relevant to your needs.
From US$50 – US$250
List of recommendations based on scientific evidence & tailored to your specific needs.
From US$150 – US$350
Need help to get you started with your science assignment? Let me know how I can support you!
Starting from US$15 for a list of references to more in-depth advise such as review and comments on essays, thesis drafts and more.
Call a shark scientist
Get your questions answered! I offer 20min or 40min video calls.
From US$25
Do you want to talk about your career plan or ask your questions about my academic career? I’m happy to share my experience & expertise. (20min or 40min video calls)
From US$25
Do your kids really love sharks? Do you want to add an unforgettable experience to your kids childhood or school experience? Let’s chat about sharks, marine science, the ocean, shark conservation and get all kids’ questions answered on a live video call!
Given enough lead time, I will prepare some footage for Show ’n’ Tell. From US$25
Guest Speaker
In person on Grand Cayman (for free)
Video call to anywhere else in the world (from US$180, maximum 40min)
Want to learn more about sharks, conservation, the ocean ecosystem or sustainable behaviors to coexist with nature? Schedule a 30min presentation + 15min Q&A for your company’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn!
From US$200 (in person or remotely via video call)
Let’s connect & explore potential collaborations.