“Don’t be afraid of sharks, but show respect.”

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  • Trotz Burnout mit Mut zur ersten Bodybuilding-Show // mit Meeresbiologin Dr. Johanna Kohler | Part 2

    Trotz Burnout mit Mut zur ersten Bodybuilding-Show // mit Meeresbiologin Dr. Johanna Kohler | Part 2

    To guest at Mach Mal Maddy!-Podcast.

    Maddy and I talk about bodybuilding, my first prep and how chronic stress effects mental and physical health.

    Copyright: Mach Mal Maddy!-Podcast
    Language: German

  • Zwischen Hanteln und Haien // mit Meeresbiologin und Bodybuilderin Dr. Johanna Kohler

    Zwischen Hanteln und Haien // mit Meeresbiologin und Bodybuilderin Dr. Johanna Kohler

    I’m invited to be a guest at Mach Mal Maddy!-Podcast.

    Maddy and I talk about my journey from Highschool to living and working in the Cayman Islands. A Gap-year in Australia, diving, sharks, staying in South Africa and moving to the Caribbean. Enjoy!

    Copyright: Mach Mal Maddy!-Podcast
    Language: German

  • vlcsnap-2025-02-03-21h09m36s502.png

    SWR Sag dir Wahrheit - die Haiforscherin

    “Sag die Wahrheit” (engl: Tell the Truth) is a fun late night game show by SWR, a German TV station. Three contestants are questioned by 4 VIP in order to determine who is the real “Johanna Kohler, the shark researcher”

    Originally aired on SWR, 23 September 2024 22:OO
    No longer available at SWR Media Archives

    SWR reserves all rights.

  • Documentary | Cayman Islands Sharks | The Phoenix Zone and All Things Cayman

    Documentary | Cayman Islands Sharks | The Phoenix Zone and All Things Cayman

    Phoenix from The Phoenix Zone asks all his shark questions and put Cayman’s sharks into the big picture showcasing the benefits of sharks to the islands - economy and environment. Immerse yourself in this incredible journey as we explore the beauty and wonders of these majestic creatures & experience the magic of the Cayman Islands.

    Copyright: The Phoenix Zone and All Things Cayman

  • The Cayman Islands | Deep Sea Research

    The Cayman Islands | Deep Sea Research

    Hear more about the deep sea research project in the Cayman Islands. We are exploring depths from 50-2,000m depth in order to discover Cayman’s deep water environment.

    Produced by Robert Sarginson
    Copyright: Cayman Islands Department of Environment

  • Episode 055 | “Pick A Lip” plus The Shark Episode

    Episode 055 | “Pick A Lip” plus The Shark Episode

    The people at The LINK Up Podcast invited me to share my experience working with sharks in the Cayman Islands. I answer all the shark questions and concerns from Kayla, Vic and Chris. Chris also shares his intimate shark encounter and much more!

    Shark Timestamp: 1:00:45

    Copyright: The LINK Up Podcast

  • Protecting Paradise S1 E6 Sharks and The Deep: Johanna Kohler

    Protecting Paradise S1 E6 Sharks and The Deep: Johanna Kohler

    I’m a guest at Protecting Paradise Cayman Podcast. Bella Rooney, the podcast host, and I talk about Sharks and the Deep Sea. I share my journey, my current work as part of the research team exploring the deep sea sharks in the Cayman Islands.

    Copyright: Protecting Paradise Cayman Podcast

  • TitleBildLandeschau.png

    SWR Landesschau - Dr Johanna Kohler

    This is a talk show by SWR, a German TV station. The host Florian Weber chats with Dr Johanna Kohler, a marine biologist, shark ecologist & conservationist about her life in the Cayman Islands, her research, childhood fears of fish, how she became a shark researcher & what her hopes are for shark conservation in the future.

    Originally aired on SWR, 20 December 2022 18:OO
    No longer available at SWR Media Archives

    SWR reserves all rights.

  • CCMI Reefs-Go-Live Series: Fabulous Food Chains

    CCMI Reefs-Go-Live Series: Fabulous Food Chains

    I joined the Central Caribbean Marine Institute for this Reefs Go Live lesson, an immersive live dive where students and viewers will be taught how to identify a top-down food chain and a bottom-up food chain on a coral reef ecosystem. Join us on this incredible dive in Little Cayman!

    Copyright: Central Caribbean Marine Institute



    Shark Research Coordinator Dr Johanna Kohler and Deputy Director Tim Austin from the Cayman Islands Department of Environment join Dwayne Ebanks, the Talk Today host, for a round table to highlight the importance of sharks and their national protection to the islands and the local community.

    Copyright: Radio Cayman, Talk Today

  • A day in the life of a shark field researcher in the Cayman Islands

    A day in the life of a shark field researcher in the Cayman Islands

    Join me and the DoE shark research team on a field trip deploying BRUVS (baited remote underwater video systems) and acoustic tags on reef sharks. Come on board in Little Cayman!

    Produced by Dr Pete Davis & Dr Johanna Kohler
    Copyright: Cayman Islands Department of Environment