Hear more about the deep sea research project in the Cayman Islands. We are exploring depths from 50-2,000m depth in order to discover Cayman’s deep water environment.
Produced by Robert Sarginson
Copyright: Cayman Islands Department of Environment
Phoenix from The Phoenix Zone asks all his shark questions and put Cayman’s sharks into the big picture showcasing the benefits of sharks to the islands - economy and environment. Immerse yourself in this incredible journey as we explore the beauty and wonders of these majestic creatures & experience the magic of the Cayman Islands.
Copyright: The Phoenix Zone and All Things Cayman
Join me and the DoE shark research team on a field trip deploying BRUVS (baited remote underwater video systems) and acoustic tags on reef sharks. Come on board in Little Cayman!
Produced by Dr Pete Davis & Dr Johanna Kohler
Copyright: Cayman Islands Department of Environment