“Don’t be afraid of sharks, but show respect.”

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    SWR Sag dir Wahrheit - die Haiforscherin

    “Sag die Wahrheit” (engl: Tell the Truth) is a fun late night game show by SWR, a German TV station. Three contestants are questioned by 4 VIP in order to determine who is the real “Johanna Kohler, the shark researcher”

    Originally aired on SWR, 23 September 2024 22:OO
    No longer available at SWR Media Archives

    SWR reserves all rights.

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    SWR Landesschau - Dr Johanna Kohler

    This is a talk show by SWR, a German TV station. The host Florian Weber chats with Dr Johanna Kohler, a marine biologist, shark ecologist & conservationist about her life in the Cayman Islands, her research, childhood fears of fish, how she became a shark researcher & what her hopes are for shark conservation in the future.

    Originally aired on SWR, 20 December 2022 18:OO
    No longer available at SWR Media Archives

    SWR reserves all rights.